Application Login Process Output style.

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Application Login Process Output style.

Unread post by AkshayKhanolkar »

When I started working on the Application Login Process for EASYCommerce 5.1 MVC, we saw that it was using CreateServiceNodes and the output services. There are many of these output points throughout the process. I have changed them to MethodOutput to get in line with our site-wide design decisions. Do you think this will have an impact on the logic or does it not matter. How is the output being processes when the ALP returns.
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Re: Application Login Process Output style.

Unread post by SteveCap »

It would depend on what the CallMethod has set for Classic.
If Classic = False
If you have a create service node in the method that you want to access you will have to set expose output = true on it then in the CallMethod specify it as an output. It will then be accessible as WorkData/MyCreateServiceNode/Output/Result in the process that the CallMethod is in. If using the MethodOutput service those values will then be accessible as WorkData/CallMethod/Output/Result
<Output IsArray="True" Index="1">

If Classic = True the MethodOutput service will not work. All services in the method that have Expose Output will be accessible as WorkData/CallMethod/Output/Result/ServiceName/Output/Result
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