List Section Layout - Height and Width

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List Section Layout - Height and Width

Unread post by kathy.pride »

Height and width settings are not working correctly. I want to adjust column widths so STR#, Created By, and Created Date are narrower and Comment is wider, but when I do so, the columns don't adjust. I have adjusted STR# column heading to height of 100px and width of 500px (exaggerated for this example). When opening page, they are evenly distributed (first screen shot). When closing page, it takes awhile and then briefly adjusts column (second screen shot).
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Re: List Section Layout - Height and Width

Unread post by SteveCap »

Labels in the header row of a list are not always getting their properties assigned. I have created task #10415. We will update this post when it has been completed.

The best practice to managing column widths would be to set the width of the cell and not the control inside of it. By default each cells width gets set to (100/(# of Columns))%
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Re: List Section Layout - Height and Width

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been resolved as of RunTime Revision 968.
word count: 10
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