Review And Dismiss Revision

Read-only forum. Used to announce new releases of EASYProcess.

Posts: 591
Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Review And Dismiss Revision

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

As of DesignTime Revision 2205, the Review and Dismiss feature has been implemented. This feature adds in new functionality to show users what new features have been added into EASYProcess.

When a user first logs into the IDE if there is a new revision for them to review and dismiss they will be greeted with a notification telling them that there are new revisions to review. This notification will only popup the first time after the user logs in. The user can click on the Review and Dismiss icon on the top of every IDE page and canvas.
Acknowledge Icon.PNG
Clicking on this will bring up a popup window with a list of all the revisions that have not yet been dismissed by the user. Here they can read a quick summary about the revision and click a forum link, if it exists, to the forum post for that revision. Clicking dismiss will remove that revision from the users Review and Dismiss list. The icon will not show if there are no revisions for the user to review.
Revision Review Popup.PNG
word count: 176