Gallery - Pre-built Apps

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Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by kathy.pride »

In looking at the pre-built apps in the Gallery, there is no information on when the app was created/what version of K-Rise, etc. Also, when opening Info, the windows do not display all the data (cutoff on the right) and there is no option to resize the window to see the data to the right or a scroll-bar to scroll right.
VOB App.png
Vendor App.png
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Re: Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Kathy, we are currently in the process of moving the gallery to be a part of a new feature called the library. This will entail its own default application in every tenant and will allow for installing new apps regardless of when it was pushed to the library. If you would like I can update the VOB app to be current so that you can install it.

Best Regards,
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Re: Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by kathy.pride »


That would be great if you can update the VOB app to the current version.

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Re: Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »


The VOB app in the gallery has been updated. You are able to install it now, but note that this gallery app is created in a classic application.

Best Regards,
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Re: Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by kathy.pride »

Thanks Justin! Is it available in MVC?
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Re: Gallery - Pre-built Apps

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Good afternoon Kathy,

We do not have a MVC version, but we are currently working on a No-Code version and we will let you know when it's ready. This version will be MVC integrated with our new No-Code functionality.

Best Regards,
word count: 44
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