Combine Switch Service Exits

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Combine Switch Service Exits

Unread post by JefferyD »

I encountered a scenario where I had multiple exits of a Switch service connected to the same service. For added convenience, it would be nice if multiple values can instead be configured per exit.

One potential idea could be something like so:
  • Add a [+] next to each exit name in "Edit Switch Service" that adds a row below it to add another value to that same exit.
    See image below
  • If an exit has multiple values, then add a circle with the number of values that exit has. When hovering over the circled number, show hover text with all of the values assigned to that exit.
    If a "Search" exit has "SearchPrefix" as another value, then display the exit name as "Search (2)"
word count: 123

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Re: Combine Switch Service Exits

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task #11160 has been created. This post will be updated when it has been completed.
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Re: Combine Switch Service Exits

Unread post by CathyC »

Closing task 11160. This was discussed internally and we will not be making the improvement at this time. For now, it is recommended to add bends to the connections so they appear to follow the same path in order to have a more organized canvas.
word count: 45
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