Weekly Upgrade Announcement 9/9/2024

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:56 am

Weekly Upgrade Announcement 9/9/2024

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Platform Upgrade Schedule
On Monday, September 9, 2024, the IDE/DV/QA environments for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to DesignTime Low-Code Revision 2885 and DesignTime No-Code Revision 716 and RunTime Revision 1552. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 10:00AM CST with an expected completion time of 10:30AM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, the PD environment for Platform1, Platform2, Platform3, and Platform4 will be upgraded to RunTime Revision 1552. Platform1, Platform2, and Platform4 will begin their upgrade at 3:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 3:30PM CST. Platform3 will begin its upgrade at 12:00PM CST with an expected completion time of 12:30PM CST.

DesignTime Low-Code
Revision 2882 And No-Code Revision 709: Logic Canvas Zoom Fix
  • When the Logic Canvas is zoomed in then clicking to make a connection is several pixels off. Updated the default zoom and adjusted for a padding change in browsers.
Revision 2883: Signature Controller Fix
  • The BackgroundImageUrl parameter for signature controllers is failing to save default values and is not editable when setting up a control event. Updated the code to properly load the parameter in both scenarios.
Revision 2884 And No-Code Revision 713 And RunTime Revision 1550: EPDocs Updates
  • Added the ability to add forms and grids to book and chapter lists.
Revision 2885 And RunTime Revision 1552: Error Page Wording Update
  • The "Whoops" text has been replaced with a formal message.

DesignTime No-Code
Revision 710: Column Renaming Update
  • Updated a few more No-Code IDE places to match the column update.
Revision 711: Hover Ids
  • Added hover text to show the ids for all the main design pages.
Revision 712: Add New Object Window Cleanup
  • All the widgets accessible from the Add New Object widget now aren't closeable and have a "Close" button.
Revision 714 And RunTime Revision 1551: Import Business Process Fix
  • Business Processes are not being built after importing. Added code to rebuild the Business Process after importing.
Revision 715: Import Export Fixes
  • Importing BusinessProcessCategories and NameValues are failing if the original name of the object exists in the application. The import logic now utilizes the new given name on import.
Revision 716: Existing Pages Project Loading
  • When loading the list of existing pages either when adding an existing to a project or importing over an existing objects displays all objects of type MVC_Views. Added a filter to only show No-Code pages in these lists.

Revision 1546: Table Escaping
  • Added table escaping for BusinessProcess tables.
Revision 1547: Unicode In ECC Fix
  • Unicode is causing issues sending messages to and from the ECC server. Updated the message encoding.
Revision 1548: Grid Layouts Fix
  • Forms column number is affecting all grid layouts. Updated the display code to grab the correct number of columns for each grid layout.
Revision 1549: Data Required Field Fix
  • Required fields for the EntityInputOutput services are failing if only outputs are used. Updated the output logic for service code.
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