Getting Setup in a New Tenant

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Getting Setup in a New Tenant

Unread post by CathyC »

I am going through the steps to get a training tenant setup. I outlined them in case they are helpful for others.

It starts with an email I get from someone creating my training user
email.PNG (10.68 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
email.PNG (10.68 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
I click the first link to set my password. This takes me to a page where I type it twice and click submit.
After submitting, it forwards me to the SecureLanding page
securitylanding page.png
This page explains that I might have access to apps, but when I check the app selector, only the Security app is available
appselector.png (6.15 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
appselector.png (6.15 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
This makes sense since it is a new tenant and no other apps will exist yet. Though my user should have access to all apps since I'll be supporting the tenant as a whole, so I should see the other platform apps, like IDE and connector, but I dont.

If I go to the menu, it is blank with no access to pages
blank menu.png
blank menu.png (2.71 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
blank menu.png
blank menu.png (2.71 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
I realized this is because once I set the password, I am forwarded to the runtime application of the security app, which is not used, so the page and app have no function. I can tell this from the url:
Normally in the url for the IDE, it has the word "IDE" in it.

This would probably make more sense if I was getting setup on an ecommerce app, so I would recognize that I am forwarded to the runtime application. But when the user is created in the security app, I get forwarded to the Security App's runtime site, which looks real similar to its designtime site.

So next I return to the email and click that second link to begin using the IDE. Then I realized it says in the email that this is the link to access the IDE, so it makes more sense now.
accesstoideemail.PNG (10.83 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
accesstoideemail.PNG (10.83 KiB) Viewed 3825 times
Whoever set up my user should have given me a User Authorization Type that gives me access to the IDE. If I havent been given access, when I try to login, I will see a "not authorized" message like below
If I do have access, I am shown the apps page of the IDE application. Here it has my lab and the 3 platform apps I was expecting
From here I can access the menu and any IDE pages that my user authorization type has access to. Since in this example, I am an IDE_Tenant_Admin who will maintain the whole tenant and all its apps, I have access to the full menu and any apps that get created by me or other users.
word count: 502

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