New "nvarchar(max)" Columns Break on Promotion

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New "nvarchar(max)" Columns Break on Promotion

Unread post by JefferyD »

In "Database Maintenance", I added a new column as "nvarchar(max)". It seemed to work fine, but I did notice a difference between existing "nvarchar(max)" columns and the new one I added. The existing ones show "-1" as "MAX LENGTH", while the new one has "max" instead.
image.png (6.56 KiB) Viewed 417 times
image.png (6.56 KiB) Viewed 417 times

After I promoted to QA though, I was getting data truncation error messages. Querying the size of the column, it seems like it was "nvarchar(1)" instead of "nvarchar(-1)".
word count: 94

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