Mask Data Service

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Mask Data Service

Unread post by smackie »

I am using the mask data service to mask bank account numbers on a webpage. I want to mask it for some users and show for others. I tried to create a separate node for the bank account number and then mask that node, but it is masking that node and the original bank account node. See below screen shots. This is the node created
This shows how I wrote the mask service
Here are the logs from when the services are ran showing both nodes being masked
How do I get this to only mask the maskedacct node and not the AYCBNK node?
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by SteveCap »

Currently the MaskData service will find any node that matches the text value that is passed in and masks it. There is no way to pick and choose which nodes get converted. We are going to introduce a new service MaskNodeData which will allow you to target specific nodes to mask. We will update this post with an example on how to use it once the service is out.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This service has been added as of DesignTime Revision 2384 and RunTime Revision 1049.
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Re: Mask Data Service

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

The Mask Data Node service is used exactly like the Mask Data service except for it takes in a NodePath instead of text.
Drag and drop or double click the node value you want to for the NodePath and it should look like this:
The end result should be logs like so:
word count: 52
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