Batch Job page - Not scalable for large apps

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Batch Job page - Not scalable for large apps

Unread post by CathyC »

The batch jobs page takes really long to load and sometimes times out.

In looking in the IDE logs, it is using a LOOPGetBatchJobs that runs like 16 times (once for each batch job) and inside has a GetStatus service in it. In the logs we could see it takes 2 seconds for this service and it throws an exception. So the page takes 32 seconds to load.

The exception was because the batch jobs werent set to use a specific server
When changed to select a batch server for all batch jobs, each iteration of the loop took .15 seconds.
if the batch job server selection is blank, it should not enter the LOOP and run the GetStatus service
why does it need a LOOP and to use the GetStatus service? The service is essentially running a query with filters to get 1 result, but instead of running 16 individual queries, if the LOOP were replaced with an inquire, it could run 1 query with filters to get the 16 results.

Noticed that while we were not logged in to the IDE screen, when trying to load the batch jobs page, it took 30 seconds still to load. This highlights there is a security issue. It doesn't halt execution, it still does the whole page load, then at the end finds out your not authorized and redirects to the login page.

When the batch job page does show, it shows all batch jobs that ever existed for the app. There isnt a way to delete them or filter, so it shows things like "BatchJobTest" and "CathyTestBatch" right along side useful important ones like "Address Import". This is the same functionality as the methods or UI page from the IDE, but I dont think it should be the same because this is like an admin panel where admins will go to manage their batch jobs that are in use by the application. Whereas the methods page is only to be used by developers to see all the methods that exist.
There should be a way to hide unused batch jobs:
-An archived feature and a button to show archived true
-A favorites star which brings them to a section at the top of the page
-A separate page for All batch jobs vs used batch jobs so the developers can use one and managers use a different one.

Can there be a way to delete batch jobs? Ones called things like "cathytest" aren't at risk for containing useful info that needs to stay around forever.
Last edited by CathyC on May 3rd, 2023, 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 432

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Joined: August 26th, 2021, 9:18 am

Re: Batch Job page - ease of use improvements

Unread post by SteveCap »

Task #10738 has been created. This post will be updated when it has been completed.
word count: 15
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