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When configuring a RunQuery service for a JDE query with parameters (:Param), it errors if the number of parameters defined doesn't match the number of parameters in the query.
RunQuery Unused Parameter.PNG (97.33 KiB) Viewed 1895 times
RunQuery Unused Parameter.PNG (97.33 KiB) Viewed 1895 times
Would it be feasible to have the parameters in the query automatically mapped to the defined parameters so that it functions more like MSSQL parameters (@Param) and thus easier to maintain?
For example, given param1, param2, and param3, have param1 and param3 mapped twice while param2 is excluded from the below query.
This does not not have to do with JDE rather that it is an Oracle database which requires your parameters to match up. In order to determine what parameters are needed/not needed we would have to parse your query ourselves which is something we are going to want to avoid.
To match up parameters in a situation like this we recommend using the ParametersXML node along with xsl ifs/chooses to decide which parameters are created/used.