Rename Table Column

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Joined: September 7th, 2021, 1:04 pm

Rename Table Column

Unread post by kathy.pride »

1) I have a column named PurchasingValidate that I want to rename to ValidateIMA. Is it safe to rename the column name or should I create a new column?

2) If safe to rename, does it change everywhere the column name is used? Such as saving a value to the column? Or inquiring against the column? Or do I need to touch every object that references the column to change from the old name to the new name?

3) In other applications, it was best practice to create a new column, so I am looking for best practice with K-Rise.
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Re: Rename Table Column

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Hello Kathy,

We recommend that columns should be renamed when possible since it is safe and this option provides a cleaner and more readable application. Now this option purely just renames it on the database table itself and it is up to you to find and replace all references to that column. In this case you would want to update every DBWorkshop service that queries against that table/column.

In order to help assists that we have a Process Lookup page under the Tools & Utilization section of the IDE Home and Menu. This will allow you to select a Workshop name, Service name and then enter the requested data and it will show you which Webpages/Methods/API's reference this data. Now this will give you the Id's which you can enter into the search bars on the respective IDE pages to find the sources you are looking for.
word count: 151
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