Suggestions for Arrow Key Navigation in Logs

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Suggestions for Arrow Key Navigation in Logs

Unread post by JefferyD »

  1. When switching between log tabs, the selected node is reset back to the top. Could it be possible to retain the last selected node when going between tabs?
    For example, if I wanted to compare the view parameters quickly between 2 logs.
    Log Tabs.png
    Log Tabs.png (42.4 KiB) Viewed 1249 times
    Log Tabs.png
    Log Tabs.png (42.4 KiB) Viewed 1249 times
  2. When in the tree view, "Space" opens/closes the current node if it has children. When the current node doesn't have children, can I suggest that it collapse the parent of the current node instead?
    Log Tree Node No Children.PNG
    Log Tree Node No Children.PNG (5.45 KiB) Viewed 1249 times
    Log Tree Node No Children.PNG
    Log Tree Node No Children.PNG (5.45 KiB) Viewed 1249 times
  3. When navigating through child nodes, the last child just stops the down arrow key from doing anything. Could it instead travel to the next parent node?
  4. When navigating with the arrow keys, it's a little difficult to travel sideways. Instead of switching tabs, could the left/right arrows be changed to travel the tree?
    Suggested functionality:
    • If the current node is expanded, then the left arrow collapses it and the right arrow selects the first child.
    • If the current node is collapsed, then the left arrow travels up to the parent and the right arrow expands it.
    • If the current node has no children, the the left arrow travels up to the parent and the right arrow does nothing.
  5. In place of the left/right arrow keys by themselves, can something like "Shift", "Ctrl", or "Alt" be added to make accidental tab switching more difficult?
  6. Additionally, it would be nice if the first 10 log tabs were numbered and allowed the use of the number keys to jump to specific tabs.
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Re: Suggestions for Arrow Key Navigation in Logs

Unread post by steve.sakhnini »

1. Task #10171 will address the selected tree node being reset when switching log tabs.

2-6. Navigation shortcuts will be changed to the following:
  • arrow keys will navigate the open log tree.
    • up and down arrows will navigate visible nodes in order of appearance (regardless of hierarchy).
    • left and right arrows will navigate between parent and child nodes (expanding children if collapsed, will not collapse expanded node, use space to collapse).
  • SHIFT + arrow left/right will navigate tabs.
  • SHIFT + arrow up/down will navigate Logs list (logs grid).
  • SHIFT + number will navigate the log tabs by order ( this feature will navigate after a delay, allowing the user to type 2 digit numbers like SHIFT + 1 then 2 to go to tab 12).
task #10172 will address the navigation key-bindings.
updates will be posted here.
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Re: Suggestions for Arrow Key Navigation in Logs

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

Tasks #10171 has been resolved in DesignTime revision 2182.
word count: 9
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