Batch Job - File Reading

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Batch Job - File Reading

Unread post by CameronDouthitt »

1. I have a batch job that use a file reading service.
2. I have the file stored on the app server.

ISSUE - When I run the batch job, it looks for the file on the batch job server instead of the app server so it doesn't actually find the file. When I run the batch job in step on the canvas of the batch job, it does find the file because it's looking to the app server correctly.
I have tried this with ReadCSV and ReadDelimitedFile.

ANSWER - The fix for this is that I just store the file on the web server and it always looks to the web sever for the file.

QUESTION - Should these services be able to use files from the app server when run in a batch job like this?
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Re: Batch Job - File Reading

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

I agree that services that takes file location = App should always point to the app server and not batch job server where it is running. This bug will be reported and this post will be updated with task is created and when it goes to PD.
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Re: Batch Job - File Reading

Unread post by SumanPrasad »

We have create a task 10384 to work on this.
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Re: Batch Job - File Reading

Unread post by JustinVanRegenmorter »

This issue has been taken care of in the latest version of EASYProcess.
word count: 13
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