I have had a lot of trouble thinking about the UserAuthorizationTypes, Roles, Object Lists, and Objects in the past. For a new project I am starting I decided to write it all out to use the feature as it was intended instead of trying to make it work with a previous set up I had from an older version of EASYProcess where that didn't exist and I think I've got the hang of it now.
Here is the breakdown in case it will help anyone else:
User Authorization Types
Name: Customer_Sales
Landing Page: CheckPriceAndAvailability
Menu: CustomerMenu
Roles: Sales
Description: Interested in seeing price, availability, and order history to know when a product will reach their customer.
Name: Customer_Purchasing
Landing Page: OrderHistory
Menu: CustomerMenu
Roles: Purchasing
Description: Interested in order status, what is shipped/backordered, and information on items as it pertains to orders.
Name: Customer_AR
Landing Page: InvoiceHistory
Menu: CustomerMenu
Roles: Finance
Description: Interested in seeing invoices, how much is owed, and order details as it pertains to invoices.
Name: CustomerAdmin_SalesAndPurchasing
Landing Page: AccountHome
Menu: CustomerMenu
Roles: AccountMaintenanceCustomer, Sales, Purchasing
Description: Creates users on the account, does user maintenance, and has access to all pages they can see to help with troubleshooting and training
Name: CustomerAdmin_FullAccess
Landing Page: OrderHistory
Menu: CustomerMenu
Roles: UserMaintenance, Sales, Purchasing, Finance
Description: Needed for smaller locations where 1 person does all customer actions and roles are not delegated to multiple people/logins.
Name: Internal_Admin
Landing Page: WorkWithAccounts
Menu: AdminMenu
Roles: AccountMaintenanceAdmin
Description: The internal user who creates CustomerAdmin_SalesAndPurchasing and Customer_AR (or CustomerAdmin_FullAccess if the location is small enough)
Role Name: Sales
Object Lists: OrderHistory, MyListsCustomer, Catalog
Role Name: Purchasing
Object Lists: OrderHistory, MyListsCustomer, Catalog
Role Name: Finance
Object Lists: Finance
Role Name: AccountMaintenanceCustomer
Object Lists: AccountMaintenanceCustomer
Role Name: AccountMaintenanceAdmin
Object Lists: AccountMaintenanceAdmin
Object Lists
Object List: Catalog
Objects: Catalog, ItemMainPage, ItemQuickView, CheckPriceAndAvailability, ProductLookup
Object List: OrderHistory
Objects: OrderHistory, OrderDetails, SendInquiryWidget, OrdersWidget (shown in default page)
Object List: MyListsCustomer
Objects: WorkWithLists, UploadListFromFile, SingleList, ItemQuickView, ItemMainPage, DuplicateListWidget, AddNewList, ListsWidget (shown in Default page), ProductLookup
Object List: Finance
Objects: AccountSummary, InvoiceHistory, Statements, OrderDetails
Object List: AccountMaintenanceCustomer
Objects: AddEditAccountUser, AccountHome, ShowAccountAddresses, ViewAccountUsers, NewUserSetPW, UserAddressRestrictions, UserShippingAddressRestrictions
Object List: AccountMaintenanceAdmin
Objects: AddEditAccountUser, AccountHome, ShowAccountAddresses, ViewAccountUsers, NewUserSetPW, UserAddressRestrictions, UserShippingAddressRestrictions, WorkWithAccounts, ConfirmDeleteAccount, ChangeUserAccount, UserMaintenance
How to User UserAuthorizationTypes, Roles, Object Lists, and Objects
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- Joined: November 16th, 2021, 11:15 am
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